Managing Change – are you ready to manage the change agenda?

The online managing change health check helps you to assess whether your change management process and its execution is set up for success. The questionnaire has the following sections with five questions per section and the opportunity to provide more specific details if you wish:-

Section Aspect Completed
A Well Grounded Desire for Change  
B Clear and Coherent Direction  
C Set-up for Successful Delivery  

Please complete the survey and see the results for yourself.

Managing Change Questionnaire

A: Well Grounded Desire for Change

We are clear on where we derive advantages (synergies) from being a group – and on any disadvantages

We have an up-to-date assessment of our strengths and weaknesses (e.g. with: products and services, R&D pipeline, cost base, brand and reputation, channels and distribution capabilities, etc.)

We have an up-to-date assessment of external opportunities and threats (e.g. competition, technology change, regulatory change, market demand, economic change, etc.)

We are clear how business performance will be impacted if we don’t act to address the issues and opportunities resulting from (1) to (3) above

All key stakeholders agree on the rationale and priorities for action (i.e. case for change)

The main differences of opinion are:-

B: Clear and Coherent Direction

Driven by (A) above, we have a clear scope, purpose and vision/aspiration – underpinned by measurable business outcomes and objectives

We are clear, for the business as a whole, how we intend to differentiate ourselves from the competition in the markets we operate – and if/how this differs from today

We have a set of guiding principles providing a sound and consistent basis for making strategic and operational decisions

We are clear on what our portfolio of businesses, products, services and markets will be in future – and what will be required to achieve this (e.g. invest to grow, acquire, divest, etc.)

We are clear how the business will be structured and run in future – and if/how that will be different from today (governance, organisation, skills and capabilities, incentives, etc.)

The most significant unknowns are:-

C: Set-up for Successful Delivery

To achieve the change required by (B) above, we have a clear implementation plan, with budget and resource implications built into business and operating plans

Our plan recognises that context and priorities will change over time – and, with this in mind, incorporates regular delivery and review points

We have clear leadership and governance to oversee the implementation of the change

We have a clear and compelling business case which meets the organisation’s investment goals and investor expectations

We are clear what benefits will result from the change; when and how these benefits will be realised – and who will be accountable for realising them

The biggest blockages to change are:-

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