Standards Compliance

Jamesford Consulting aims to make this website as accessible as possible. The site has been produced using XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) coding methods.

Resizing Text

As relative font sizes (small, medium, large etc.) and not pixel-based font sizes have been used on this site, you can easily resize the text. To do do so, please follow the steps below relevant to your browser:

Internet Explorer: View > Text size
Netscape: Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts OR View > Text Zoom
Opera: File > Preferences > Fonts > Minimum font size (pixels) OR View > Zoom

Alternatively, scroll with the wheel of your mouse whilst holding down the control key.

Changing the Stylesheet

If you would prefer to use your own stylesheet, follow the steps below relevent to your browser to override the attached style sheet. Please note that if you choose to do this, the intended presentation will be lost.

Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > General > Accessibility > Tick ‘Format documents using my style sheet’ > Browse (to your style sheet)
Opera: File > Preferences > Page Style > My Style Sheet > Browse (to your style sheet)

Browser Compatibility

The site has been tested and provides full functionality on the following browsers and platforms:

  • Internet Explorer 7 – Windows XP
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 – Windows XP
  • Mozilla 2.0 – Windows XP

As the site is built using CSS2, which is unsupported by IE 4 and below and Netscape 4 and below, it will not display or function as it should. Users of these browsers can still access the information, but without the intended presentation and a certain loss of functionality. As less than 1% of internet users rely on these browsers, it was decided not to compromise the design and functionality of the site for users of more popular, modern browsers.

If you would like to upgrade your existing browser or download a new browser please select from the links below: